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Lighting and Landscape (L&L) - Measure L

The community of Crockett has a long and unique history.  Many non-residents have fond memories of experiences in this quaint town that historically has been maintained by a volunteer community.

As one enters the community off Crockett off the 80 freeway, most visitors travel on Pomona Street and drive by the 80 underpass. The area from the freeway exit to the freeway entrance is owned by CalTrans but is leased to the Crockett Community Services District (CCSD). As the first place that most people travel, this area is an important location and represents the face of Crockett. For this reason, much of the maintenance focuses on this area. 

What is the Lighting & Landscape Department?

The lighting & landscape department was created from the need to clean the community of Crockett and present a beautiful environment that represents the values of the community. While much of the cleanup work is performed bi-annually by the Crockett Improvement Association (CIA), there still remains the need for regular upkeep and maintenance throughout the year. Measure L is a property tax initiative that provides funding for this ongoing maintenance.

The CCSD Board of Directors has established a commission made up of community members, as well as volunteers, who are tasked with advising on the maintenance program and ensuring that the work stays on track and within budget. Four people now serve on this commission, and one seat is still open. If interested,
information on how to apply is available on the same website.

While the CIA was the driving force behind Measure L, it is the CCSD that will be managing the L&L Maintenance Fund.

Getting Things Done

  • Six streetlights have been re-lamped on Pomona Street.
  • The Plaza continues to be maintained with litter removal and pressure washed.
  • The Bridgehead (area below the freeway/bridge) has been regularly maintained.


  • Several decoratrive lights are out on Pomona Street and Second Avenue.  These are schedule to be fixed soon.
  • The Commission is developing a Maintenance Plan.


The Lighting & Landscape Commission oversees the activities of the lighting and landscaping needs of Crockett.  The L&L Commission meets monthly (3rd Tuesday at 7 pm) and is open to the public. Everyone is welcome to attend. There are currently two vacancies. Click here to learn more about the commission, agendas, and minutes, and apply for one of the vacancies.

 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Under Construction

  1.  How much am I being charged for this service? Each parcel is charged $50 per year.
  2.  Where can I see the work that the L&L CoMmission is doing? The L&L's areas of focus are currently primarily focused on maintaining the Bridgehead area, decoratice lighting, and Ponoma Street.
  • More to come...

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